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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Technorati Search: The United States Healthcare System

Technorati is a search engine used to find blogs and blog-related content. I recently used Technorati to search for information related to the United States healthcare system, the topic of my persuasive paper. Technorati lead me to an informative blog, America’s Frist Universal Health Program Is Failing Miserably, by Rob Port. In Port’s blog he discusses kidney dialysis in America and compares it to that of other countries.  Ports blog on America’s Healthcare has been active since November 10, 2010. Port creates five or more blogs daily, all revolving around political and governmental issues. He also uses hyperlinks in his post, leading the viewer to his source of information, a magazine article referred to in his blog. Port also uses pictures in his blogs. Rob Port’s blog was very informative, but there was even more information in the comments made about his posts. Port’s blog was hit up many times with additional feedback showing the viewer’s many sides of this topic.
Another link that Technorati provided was, New Report Reveals Health Insurance Industry Pumped $86 Million Into the U.S. Chamber to Kill Reform. This blog was a part of Think Progress and was written on November 17, 2010 by Lee Fang. Fang provides three to four posts weekly if not more. He uses picture video, and links to almost all of his blogs. The difference in the type of writing Fang provides and that which would be used in writing a research paper would be the way you present yourself to your audience and the position you take on the topic. In a blog you have the ability to communicate with your reader at a more conversational and relaxed style. In a research paper all information on the topics are presented to the reader in a professional style. Also in research papers the author does not have a bias approach to the topic and presents all information clearly and without favoring a certain view. In Fang’s blog he takes an economist side to the problem of healthcare, altering the way the readers view the article.
To use Technorati click here.

1 comment:

  1. These blogs are really neat. I really liked Fang's blog about healthcare reform. Like you said in your blog about the view point he takes from an economist standpoint is really interesting and makes the reader think.
