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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Response to James McGuire's Post on PTSD

After reading James McGuire’s post on Ethics and Medicine I have become very informed on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an illness from high related times of stress, which can occur following any frightening event in a person’s life. James’s post discusses if the use of Propranolol is ethically correct. Propranolol is drug that consolidates one’s emotional memory and weakens emotions attached to memories. In the post James provides two different links, each supporting different views of the use of Propranolol. In the article expressing the strengths of Propanolol it provides many reasoning’s behind why it is effect to use Propranolol for PTSD patients. Propranolol provides a relief for those who need to get away from terrorizing memories. In contrast however, those who argue against the use stated that it is an anti-depressant that may manipulates one’s memory, forcing one believe something unrealistic.
            In conclusion, James’s post was very informative towards an unfamiliar topic. He provides support for each side of the topic with creditable sources.  After reading these articles I also believe with James, but depending on the circumstance. If someone in a state of PTSD is looking for depressant they may not be fully aware of the affects of the drug, and maybe just looking for a remedy. 

Visit James's blog to learn more.

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